How do online reputation repair services work?

Online reputation repair services typically begin with an assessment of the online presence of the entity. This includes analysing search results, social media activity, and online reviews. The service provider will then identify any negative information and develop a plan to mitigate its impact. This may include creating positive content to outrank and hide the negativity, optimising search results, and responding to negative comments and reviews.

What are online reputation repair services?

Online reputation repair services are professional services that help individuals, brands, and organisations improve their online reputation. These services typically involve analysing the online presence of the entity, identifying any negative information, and taking steps to mitigate the impact of the negative information and promote positive information.

Why is Social Listening Important in Marketing?

The more effort you put into actively engaging with your customers, the better positioned you are to recognise opportunities to appeal to your core demographic.

Social listening allows businesses to influence the content shared about them, how readers perceive the company, and ultimately boost brand perception through fast, agile responses.

How Are Brand Monitoring and Social Listening Different?

Brand monitoring and social listening work hand in hand, but they have slightly different applications and purposes.

Social listening functions at a macro level, helping brands research wider customer views or harness relevant topics their audience is talking about.

Brand monitoring is more precise and identifies specific mentions of products, names, tags or hashtags to ensure your marketing or customer support teams offer a suitable response.

How is Social Listening Beneficial to Businesses?

The advantage of social listening is that you proactively seize the opportunity to understand your customer base, grasp their pain points and evaluate better ways to meet their needs.

For example, you could react to a complaint and reach out to offer a resolution, even if the customer hasn’t made direct contact.

You might also recognise somebody who shares a recommendation for your product and use the power of brand advocacy – while ensuring your happy buyer remains a loyal customer.