Digital PR Services

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Digital PR services.

Digital PR service 4 - Woya Digital

Increased web traffic

to reach a new audience

digital marketing

SEO ranking boost

for your websites SEO

Social proof digital-pr

Social proof

for influence and brand trust

If you are looking for an easy way to promote your brand or products, then a digital PR service with near guaranteed submission to high value digital news services could be a quick solution. Woya Digital provides a simple digital press release service, which will give you the potential of coverage and publicity and get your brand promoted to your target audience, plus improved search engine rankings through the high quality backlinks gains from respected news services and websites.

What is a digital press release?

Try the digital PR service from Woya Digital, our digital press release service is fast and provides coverage across major titles. Ultimately we are SEO experts and have established key relationships with high quality news websites as an essential part of our SEO services, however this has provided us a direct link to major online publications in the UK, US and Canada which we are making available separately.

We will help you reach your target audience by hitting top PR channels from news sites to local publications. Our digital PR service distribution includes broadcast media, trade journals and submission to a large network of high authority websites.

Online media digital press release exposure will provide you a market advantage that you can promote the published results on social media for real social proof. Plus you can earn credible SEO kudos from authoritative backlinks with Woya’s digital press release service.

Benefits of digital PR services.

lauren ppc

Mega PR distribution.

Digital PR service from Woya Digital

Core Package

Digital PR service package is the perfect backlink for ranking, organic SEO website ranking, link building and product & service announcements.

(Publication Subject to Editor Approval)

MarketWatch DA91

50+ ABC, NBC, Fox News

Google News inclusion

50+ authority news partners

Full publication report

Premium Package


Premium digital press package service includes APNews and Digital Journal for extra exclusive reach.
Plus UK, Canada and US newswires and journalist / bloggers.

(PR Subject to Editor Approval & Quality Guidelines)

All of core package plus

AP News / Associate Press - DA92

Digital Journal - DA86

International newswires (UK, US, Canada)

100+ journalists and bloggers

Full publication report

Mega Release


This MEGA digital press release package includes Yahoo News network (Yahoo Finance, Yahoo Sports)

(PR Subject to Editor Approval & Quality Guidelines)

All of Premium Package plus...

Inclusion in the highly exclusive Yahoo News / Finance network

A really scoop and 'Brand Feature' and provides excellent social proof

Full publication report

(ID verification required for submission)

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Digital PR agency SEO benefits.

Working with an effective digital PR agency gives you the opportunity to share fresh content with a wider audience – and can feed into your SEO strategy with cross-posting on your socials, outreach marketing programmes, blogs or content marketing.

There are countless SEO advantages and benefits of digital PR, mixing up your content creation schedule and promoting a relevant press release to gain momentum!

Digital PR service 4 - Woya Digital

Increase in web traffic

One of the most compelling benefits of a digital press release is the indirect value. Although the initial URL might not rank at the top of the SERP, publishing your press release through a respected media outlet is an excellent way to boost traffic.

A golden link with a high-volume publication acts as a funnel for referral traffic, reaching new demographics outside your current sphere and exposing interested visitors to your brand and business offering.

digital marketing

Organic ranking boost

Search engines look at multiple factors to determine where your site slots into the rankings – but a crucial contributor is your backlinks.

Natural, authentic links from authoritative news organisations can instantly improve your page rankings as a best-in-class benchmark in SEO.

Digital PR service 5 - Woya Digital

Google Business Profile rankings

Google My Business is becoming more prevalent, particularly with direction searches pivoting to voice searches – being in a prominent spot within the business rankings can have a considerable impact.

Publishing a digital press release optimised for Google My Business opens up access to the 58% of users who search for local businesses through voice search.

Digital PR service

Contexual anchor text links

Anchor texts in strategically chosen positions add context, invite your readers to learn more, and ensure you reach as large an audience as possible.

As other sites with sterling reputations feature your press release, you gain visibility points through search engine indexing. A sound PR approach can effectively increase your backlinks and website traffic in both volume and quantity.

Digital PR service 3 - Woya Digital

White hat authority builder

If we take it back to basics, Google exists to provide answers to people’s questions. Yes, it’s a world-leading marketing tool, but we shouldn’t lose sight of the overarching aims!

Google loves PR!

Google does, indeed, love PR because it’s informational, useful, descriptive and packed with valuable content. The more press releases you publish, the better journalists and online publications get to know your brand.

digital marketing

Product launch advantage

A press release could be just what you need, whether you’d like to find new advertising venues or enhance visibility for a new product.

A well-crafted statement carries real, powerful results to grow business awareness, rather than promoting the same type of content time and again.

Marketers work on traffic – the more clicks, the more conversions, so a new product is a prime moment to create a press release.

Creating a social proof digital PR campaign.

Online content marketing isn’t just about the numbers (although metrics are important!). Social proof is essential because it makes your brand trustworthy and increases the chance of each visit turning into a sale.

It’s hard to under exaggerate the influence of social proof – it backs up all the content you put out there and makes it more likely a tentative customer will turn into a loyal brand advocate. Yet another winning factor for an effective digital press release service.

Google Adwords PPC

Boost front of mind

A press release is evidence of your product or service in action – the publication itself demonstrates that your business and the announcement you’re making are meaningful.

Whether you link back to press releases, feature snippets from key publications on socials, or use the credibility to verify your feeds on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook, there are multiple applications to lift brand awareness.

Did you know that installing a plugin or graphic on your website showing ‘As Seen On’ can improve your conversion rates by 48%? A feature in trusted journalistic sites raises confidence and legitimacy, particularly with new visitors.

Facebook paid advertising

Build brand trust

Digital press releases can extend brand trust with instant exposure and huge potential audiences across many mediums. Correlating that exposure across your platforms further upgrades your credibility.

Whether you’re a B2C or B2B organisation, legitimacy is the cornerstone of each sale, so if you have professionally composed digital press releases featured on some of the most respected news sites in the world, you’re already one step ahead.

If you capture interest, it’s even possible to feature independent reviews, comments, or testimonials to expand your brand proof further.

Website design

Social media content

Social media is a great place to share your press releases, increase the reach of external links and articles, and mix up your content to encourage better audience engagement.

You can also cross-post your press release as a standalone social media release to maximise online value and adapt the content, including different formats, designs and structures to open up the avenue for dialogue.

A press release can be the basis for a hosted conversation and enable links to social bookmarking features. You can also use links and tags to drive all the content posted on your social networks back to your social media release as a beacon to draw more people into the conversation.

How to write a digital press release.

Our advice for a killer press release is to think about whom you want to read it – and what you’d like them to do next!

Writing for a journalist isn’t the right approach because your story needs to be understood by a diverse audience. Every press release should include:



You’re not rehashing anything already on your website but creating a primarily informational piece of content with a clear news angle!


Concise language

A great release shouldn’t ever be over two pages long (as a max) and needs to be set out in short paragraphs in a logical event sequence.



You can’t include every sales message in a short press release, so focus on developing a piece with a reader-orientated format without clunky terminology.



If you’ve got facts to back up your news, include them! A couple of testimonials, figures or references can add authority.

white label SEO image

Think about who you’re writing for, what news you’re sharing, why you want to shout about it, and, crucially, the story about how this all came about.

Fact-checking is vital because a digital press release distributed to high profile media outlets can’t normally be amended, so make your title as attention-grabbing as possible, and wait to hit the headlines.

Need inspiration to get started?

Contact the Woya team, or request our free digital press release template.

Digital press release format.

Learn how to write a press release and understand the press release format.

All submitted digital press releases will be checked by our team, as they need to  conform to a professional standard for journalists to be published on newswires and news websites. The more authoritative the news website, the higher the journalistic standards will be.

This is Key: Before you write a press release you MUST have something that is considered newsworthy, this will aid publication, visibility and of course traffic!

This is a good standard press release format you can replicate:



A title which grabs attention but also include keywords for Google and Yahoo who grab the headline only.


Add Location

Where you are and where the news regarding.


Explain your news and reason for press release in one sentence as a summary. This is often picked up with the headline and a key positioning statement for the whole article.


Lead Paragraph

Expand in more detail the overview and press release in a paragraph.


Press Release Body

Make this easy to read, clear and concise. Adding quotes from named concerned parties makes it feel more real and relatable. Journalists love people focused stories.



This is simply PR jargon for a few words to describe your company to the audience. A descriptive sales pitch in one line.


Media Contact

Name, telephone and email of your marketing team or anyone who the journalist could get in touch with for more information.



Don’t forget to add backlinks! This is one of the core reasons for an effective digital press release. Adding a link to your company or product page will provide backlink juice to your website from some of the best and most respected websites in the world. Google will love this authority and push some to your website. Maximum 2-3 links per release as a guide.

Digital Press Release Service - Woya Digital

Digital press release services – FAQs

We receive tons of questions about digital press releases, from finding a clever title to choosing the best publication sites – below, we’ve answered all the top queries.
We’ll contact suitable publications within our global network to guarantee prominent positioning in media outlets with the highest readerships.
You benefit from brand exposure, authoritative backlinks, and increased visibility.
Our premium digital press release service includes publication on quality sites such as Yahoo News & Finance, plus a library of other places and media brands you might wish to appear on!
Above you’ll find a free template to help write your press release – or you can get in touch if you’d like us to assign a professional content writer as an end-to-end service.
We offer several packages and custom add-ons if you’d like to target a specific location or publication.
Core press release distribution includes 75+ local newswires, 100+ finance and business sites, 50+ authority news partners and 50+ posts on ABC, NBC and Fox News, plus Google News.
Looking for placements in the US, individual States or another place? Add-ons start from just £99.
Guidelines vary between outlets, but the media partners we work with usually retain each article for between three and 24 months.
Regular press releases are the optimal way to keep building momentum and ensure you have a new traffic generation campaign underway as the previous one winds down.

Our core digital press release package includes guaranteed placement on 100+ sites, such as Google News (280 million readers).

To discuss how a dedicated Digital PR services could take your promotions to the next level, arrange a call today or drop us a message to start discussions.