Reading Time: 3 minutes
The 3 Step Guide to 100 Facebook Page Likes

The 3 Step Guide to 100 Facebook Page Likes

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Do you want to promote your latest business venture and need Facebook Page Likes?

Perhaps you’ve been doing stand-up for a while and want greater visibility. Whatever the reason, you’ve decided it’s time to set up a Facebook page and leverage your social standing through Facebook Page Likes.

However, it isn’t always as simple as it looks. Of course, a popular actor only has to tweet out her page and instantly gain a few hundred thousand likes. It probably won’t be that easy for you. In fact, even the initial hundred likes can be a difficult to attain milestone. But don’t fret. This article is going to take you through the basic steps to your first century.

1. Set Up the Page

Before you click on that “Create Page” link, stop and think for a while. Take some time to determine what you want your page to convey to the audience. It’s important to fully understand the essence of your venture first. Say that you’re a stand-up comic. What then is the purpose of your page? Make a list of the goals you want the page to achieve. You may want to reach a wider audience, and to promote events you’re participating in. You may also want to sell merchandise such as T-shirts and mugs. Plan out your page before you actually create it. It is also a good idea to create a stylised logo or customised cover page beforehand. After all, the page is part of your brand, and you want your brand properly represented.

Once you know the scope of the page, create it. Select the type of page you want to create from the list of options, and then give your page a catchy name. Fill out the page in detail – add a picture and cover image, and use the ‘add a button’ widget to allow visitors to easily take actions like making purchases. And don’t make the mistake of leaving the ‘About’ section bland. Make sure it’s as unique and memorable as anything you intend to post if you want genuine Facebook Page Likes.

2. Share it with Your Friends

Most people have sizeable friend lists. Yours probably has at least around 200 people. This is your starting base. Send invites to everyone on your list. Then follow up with close friends, and people who would find your page especially relevant. Send them messages through Facebook Inbox to both Facebook Page Like and Share the page. Do take care to ask them to like the page itself, and not some random post that you have put up. This should net you around 30 to 40 likes at the very least. It’s important, at this and every stage, to regularly update your page with relevant content that will keep viewers interested. The quality of your content is paramount to the success of your page.

3. Use Paid Campaigns

You can get only so far with organic shares. At some point, you will have to invest in a paid campaign in order to increase your reach. Start with £50 to boost a well-liked post to a specific target of customers. Through pay monthly marketing services, you should be able to reach a much larger segment of people who would be interested in your page. We have an article about online advertising on Facebook here.

Need Some Help?

The team at Woya Digital is a social media marketing agency in Chichester, here to help. We offer pay monthly social media solutions that are fully managed and personalised for your success. We can assist companies of all sizes, anywhere, promote themselves through the internet.

Our fixed price offering is straightforward and yields results! We are fantastic at social media management, website design and SEO, all paid monthly, with no upfront investment.

Top 10 Features That Make a Successful Pay Monthly Website

Top 10 Features That Make a Successful Pay Monthly Website

Reading Time: 4 minutes

With so much content online, it has become quite difficult to bring your business and products to the forefront. However, a successful business does not just depend on ‘fresh content’, though that is one of the biggest factors with a pay monthly website, but what often makes a success are the other small elements to bring in the traffic.

One way to give your business that market boost is to hire an designer or digital marketing agency for a pay monthly website service. Services such as these create a modern market presence through fresh website design taking into account your brand, business information and shaping your online presence to a T. Following are our ten essential features that a website must have in order to run a successful business website:

1. Personalised About Us Page

Today, an ‘About Us’ page has evolved into many categories: history, accolades, achievements and a personal short story. The idea behind an About Us page is to give your potential costumers insight into how you came about your business and what challenges you faced. Adding your personal story allows people to connect with you on an intimate level that build’s trust even before they have approached you.

2. Visible Pricing and a way to buy

If you want your business to reach that goal you have planned, then it needs to have a killer e-commerce platform and the best way to interact with your customers . . . a quote form. Today, it is a must that businesses show pricing and if they have a physical store they mirror this online. What’s the reason?

  1. Great way to advertise your products and services
  2. It brings in more sales
  3. Bigger market presence
  4. More awareness

As for the quote form, this allows you to know about a person and their business before they become your client.

3. FAQ page

Before they ask, you already have the answer, this is the beauty of a well- written FAQ section. Customers appreciate it very much when the answer to their every question is already given and in detail, it shows that you have thought about it. This is the place where you can go crazy and write everything in detail, all the questions you have been asked so far, details on the product and service so that your customer is satisfied and knows you care. Plus you can refer future queries to this page when the question arises, like a answer database.

4. Contact form

The importance for this page cannot be stressed enough! There’s nothing that people hate more than not finding contact information when they want to inquire about a service. Points that must be included are phone numbers and e-mail address (be careful of spam), which people can easily copy. Not having this raises more questions, queries and concerns, quite simply it will probably cost you the sale.

5. Anti-Spam solution

CAPTCHA – Your security partner. All it does is make sure that you are not being scammed by a virus and the person on the other end is a real person. It is easy for a web developer to set up, so insist on this as part of your new pay monthly website.

6. Linked telephone number

Modern websites can easily link telephone numbers, which allow your visitor to call you simply by clicking the link on the telephone number.

Your new pay monthly website should include this feature as standard, not having this makes users switch off and unable to make that snap decision to call!

7. Mobile friendly website

This isn’t even negotiable, if your website is not compatible on a mobile phone, act now! 2017 websites are intelligent enough to know what screen visitors are viewing on and will convert the layout into the right and often very different format to make the content work. This impacts design, so make sure your website has this feature, this is key, as much as 50% of web traffic can be on a mobile in 2017.

8. Create hooks to obtain leads

Lead Magnets are important, period. A real hook would be fantastic content that the visitor wants and would be prepared to provide their email address as a trade. This ‘Download our Super Guide’ or something exciting, new and fresh, make sure that it has ‘fascination bullets’. In modern days a newsletter is not enough and not exactly a lead magnet, it sure does the work in driving in more traffic you need more imagination to appeal to your audience.

9. Links to your social media pages

Remember the bigger market presence? This includes social media pages such as Facebook, Twitter, Linked-In, etc. This is a great way to engage and present your target audience with information, which they will enjoy reading.

10. Regular fresh content on your website pushed out to social media via a pay monthly website service

It’s not always about quantity. Post new, ‘quality’ content every week to keep your audience engaged. Use different lead magnets and content types to attract their attention.

These ten features are just the basics that can take your business to the top. Woya is a social media marketing agency offering pay monthly website that offer a business rapid solutions. To know more about their services, call 01243 859 838.

Launching & Promoting Your Business With Social Media Marketing

Launching & Promoting Your Business With Social Media Marketing

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Starting and promoting your business and getting your name out there can be a difficult and daunting process…

…but the good news is that the modern world of social media means you can reach a wide audience with a few clicks of the mouse, a good dollop of creativity and little more than a mobile phone or a tablet.

By asking yourself some key questions in promoting your business and following our top social media tips you can build up a social media following in no time – allowing you to promote your business and reach out to customers on platforms that suit them.

  1. Decide which sites you’ll use

The first thing you need to consider is what platforms you will be using. Your choice will be dictated to a large extent by your target audience. If you’re a B2B service or product and want to talk to professionals about things related to their work, you might not gain much attention on Instagram but starting a LinkedIn discussion could draw your customers’ eye to your expertise. Likewise, a business that creates unique and personalised homewares will be better suited to a visual social media platform such as Pinterest or Instagram than LinkedIn.

  1. Establish your company voice

As you’re going to be creating a lot of content, you need to think about the tone of voice you will use on social media. This should reflect your brand and be appropriate for the medium. If you’re a fun, lively brand aimed at young people then a less formal approach can make your business seem stylish and approachable. However, if you’re a business selling security solutions for instance, you’ll want to project a professional image – the language you use will need to reflect this.

If several people are going to be updating your social media accounts, it’s a good idea to draw up some guideline so that all of the updates are written in the same tone and style. Even if there is only one person controlling the platforms this can still be a useful practice to ensure continuity.

  1. Make your posts count

Follow these three tips to get you started on promoting your business through social media platforms:

  • Social media users will be turned off if every update is a sales post with the aim of promoting your business. You need to link to valuable content that your audience will enjoy and find interesting too – they’re more likely to share this content so you’ll reach a bigger audience as well. This is called content curation.
  • Social media is a great way to create a two-way dialogue with your customers so don’t just post updates – ask questions, respond to enquiries and share interesting news.
  • Show off your expertise. If there’s a news story or viral video on the internet that’s related to your business, comment on it.
  1. Review

Finally, continue to monitor the success of your social media engagements. Review whether you’re reaching the right audience, see what they are responding to and keep an eye out for new trends and platforms. Social media is always evolving and so should your social media strategy.

Woya digital is a social media marketing agency in Chichester, that can assist companies of all sizes, anywhere, promote themselves through the internet. Our fixed price offering is straightforward and yields results! We are fantastic at social media management, website design and SEO, all paid monthly, with no upfront investment.

6 Top Tips To Find a Name For Your Startup

6 Top Tips To Find a Name For Your Startup

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Your company or product name is almost as important as the service or product you are offering, especially when it comes to startup marketing.

It needs to capture the attention of your target audience while reflecting your brand and giving an idea of what it is you’re offering – that’s no easy task.

Before you begin brainstorming lots of different name ideas spend some time thinking about the type of name you want and how it will relate to your business offering. You might choose to make up a word that gives a fresh and fun vibe but if your business is aimed at professionals offering work related services this simply won’t work as it doesn’t show off what you’re doing. As a result, it is important to think about the wider image you want your brand to portray and your overall marketing strategy.

You should consider the name of your business as a cornerstone that will act as the foundation the rest of your brand can be built upon. So make sure the name you select is aligned with your business objectives and don’t limit yourself, for instance by using geographical locations, unless you plan to remain within a specific market or area.

There’s plenty of ways to come up with your business name and these options can be transferred to products too.

Using your name – Simply using your last name, or several last names if you’re operating a partnership, is easy and gives a clean, professional image. But it’s unlikely that the brand will stand out from crowd and you may want to rethink if you have an unusual surname.

Describe the startup business – Using plain, simple language that describes the business is one way to make sure people know what it is you do, for instance the company General Electrics does this. However, with so many businesses it’s likely that these names are already taken and they simply won’t be memorable unless you’re operating in a niche or emerging sector.

Creating a new word – You can be creative and make up your own word that you feel reflects your brand. Just be sure to think about how people who are reading it for the first time will pronounce it and whether or not it rolls off the tongue.

Combining two words – Melding together two words to create your business brand is a popular option. Many companies select two words that they believe reflect the business and combine the two. However, while the logic behind this works, it can result in some brand names that sound twisted, difficult to say or don’t look right on the page.

Acronyms – If you want to describe what your business does without sounding dull, an acronym could be a solution. Creating an acronym that results in a unique and relevant word could suit your business if you want your name to have a deeper meaning.

Everyday objects – Some brands simply use the names of everyday objects to create their name, such as global brand Apple. This can be a good choice if you can link the item to your offering and have an interesting backstory.

Woya digital is an online marketing agency in Chichester that can help all sizes of companies, anywhere, promote themselves through the internet. Our fixed price offering is fantastic and yields results!