Reading Time: 5 minutes
Why White Label SEO is a Winning Strategy for Marketing Agencies

Why White Label SEO is a Winning Strategy for Marketing Agencies

Reading Time: 5 minutes

SEO is such a big deal in the modern business space, it’s also a key offering for marketing agencies.

SEO is something agencies can offer to clients to represent:

  • A comprehensive marketing strategy across all digital interfaces.
  • A long-term commitment to helping their businesses grow.
  • Added value to support other services, such as web design.

The problem is, a great website with zero SEO just isn’t going to cut it – and so it’s becoming vital for so many agencies, even those outside of the marketing sector, to look to their SEO offering to meet demand!

Which is where Woya steps in.

Allow us to explain…

SEO as a Primary Added Value Marketing Service

Ok, so we’re not going to talk about the obvious. Perhaps you know a bit about SEO or indeed know the topic inside out but don’t have the capacity to spend a big chunk of your time working on it!

BUT we will take a moment here to clarify why SEO is such an essential service – and why it’s not going anywhere.

Why IS SEO in Such High Demand?

In the current marketplace, just about every business in every industry needs an online presence.

More and more, that applies even if they conduct no trade whatsoever online. Think about:

  • Cafes, restaurants and take-aways that collate reviews online.
  • Social media platforms, where customer posts and queries are public.
  • Google My Business listings (you’re not on anyone’s Sat Nav without it!).

Those are some basic examples, but you get the idea – if you’re not online, you don’t exist. Particularly over the last year, as the pandemic drove us all inside and closed business doors, we saw a tremendous change in consumer behaviours.

Sure, we had to buy stuff online or order home delivery (because, well, everything was shut), but it’s a habit that seems to be sticking.

Digital is the number one way consumers will check for reviews, compare products, evaluate prices, and ultimately decide where they’re going to spend their cash. In fact, about 81% of consumers research online before making big purchases.

SEO is about so much more than having a significant position in Google rankings! It’s about:

  • Your customers being able to find you – both existing and new clients.
  • Showing up in all the relevant searches for your products and services.
  • Having a professional digital presence that speaks of authenticity and reliability.

We see a massive demand for SEO simply because more businesses recognise the value it brings to their companies.

And thus, our white label SEO offering has exploded, as thousands of marketers, designers, agencies and business services realise that adding SEO to their name is like adding a golden feather to their bow.

How Can White Label SEO Help My Agency?

You can see where we’re going. You need SEO services, and they must be top-notch if your customer is going to see tangible results and see your efforts realised into business profits.

Woya Digital provides a vast range of white label SEO services, whether a comprehensive monthly package, a one-off website audit or a middle ground between the two.

Here’s how it works:

  1. You decide what SEO services you want to offer your clients and set your prices.
  2. We carry out the SEO work for you, white-labelling everything, so it’s good to go – that means your style and branding.
  3. You deliver the results to your client, collect your earnings, and reap the rewards!

It really is that simple.

But What Does White Label Mean – Exactly?

White label means everything we produce, every piece of content, every report, every keyword analysis, and every SEO link building strategy comes from YOU.

If you’re keen to add SEO to your repertoire but aren’t sure to what extent, no worries. We can always have a chat and run through the options that fit your budget – and Woya offers fixed pricing, so it’s your call what you bill your client.

Our white label SEO programmes range from an initial on-site SEO service, including optimisation planning, implementation and reporting, through to ongoing SEO management for the most competitive markets in UK business. Check out our White label SEO page for a bit more detail on the elements included in our packages!

How Can White Label SEO Benefit My Agency?

Crunch time – what’s in it for you? It’s a fair question and something we elaborate on since SEO is such a lucrative way of expanding your services and giving potential clients the nudge they need to jump on board!

We’ve talked a lot here about how essential SEO is to modern business – but we’ve skipped over the tricky bits:

  • Great SEO takes TIME! And lots of it. So many agencies would love to expand but simply don’t have the capacity to assign half of their working hours to it.
  • Employing SEO teams can be highly costly. Like any service, poor SEO is a simple waste of money – but fantastic SEO can profoundly change the fortunes of any company. Therefore, exceptional SEO professionals command steep pay rates.
  • SEO is not a one-trick pony! Here’s the other problem – SEO changes, sometimes very, very quickly. Staying on top of algorithms, indexing, competitors, ranking, bounce rates – it’s all reliant on knowing what’s changing, what’s trending, what’s working – and if you can’t commit to it, even a brilliant SEO strategy can fall behind in a matter of days.

White label SEO services offer a long-term partnership where everyone benefits!

Why Choose Woya for Your White Label SEO?

Experience and skill are critical here – and it’s beyond vital you choose a white label SEO partner who you know has the goods to back up their SEO promises.

Woya is proud to be a market leader in breaking the boundaries of digital marketing, and we’d invite you to check out our Google Reviews to see what our clients have to say. Check out our Portfolio, too, if you’d like a glimpse into the types of clients we’re proud to partner with!

Here’s what white label SEO from Woya can do for you:

  1. Attract higher profits – you pay a fixed fee and decide for yourself what you’ll charge your clients for the additional service.
  2. Expand your expertise – offer a broader range of services, including one of the highest-demand digital marketing facilities modern businesses are searching for.
  3. Drive reputational excellence – we’re experts in what we do (and have the stats to prove it). High-quality SEO sets your agency apart as a business that delivers and stamps your mark on the sector as outperforming all the competition.
  4. Build on customer relationships – SEO is something that you build on and adapt over time. Having that regular dialogue and collaboration with your clients is a great way to cement your relationship and show them just what you can do.

We work with a broad range of businesses, from global enterprises to start-ups, innovators to small traders, and companies breaking into some of the most demanding markets out there – and we always come out on top.

Like what you’re hearing and want to learn more about how white label SEO can transform your agency offering? Get in touch – it’s what we’re here for!

How SEO Works: Simplified

How SEO Works: Simplified

Reading Time: 6 minutes

The three letters SEO are known all too well by those working in digital marketing, but often remains the domain of technical specialists and so misunderstood by others.

The acronym SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation, which is indeed a technical practice, but there are vast benefits to it being understood by everyone in a business – especially where business owners are looking to pay for (or already pay for) SEO services.

While there’s really no need for everyone to comprehend the technicalities behind SEO, the basics can be helpful and so here we drill down to the foundations of SEO practice and take it step-by-step to help explain how SEO works, in an easy-to-understand way.

What is SEO?

SEO is the process of optimising content on a website so that the machine-learning algorithms behind search engines are able to identify their relevance and presence, placing them as high up on SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) as possible.

When we talk about SEO, we are primarily referring to the optimisation practices required to best boost a website’s exposure on Google. This is because Google holds (by far) the majority market share in most countries and territories when it comes to visitors, and so it drives more traffic than its competitors.

That said, there are areas worldwide where Google is not the most popular search engine – but, broadly speaking, working on SEO for Google will not inhibit the performance on other search engines and so activities can be enacted no matter the specific focus.

When A User Searches

For the maximum efficiency, digital marketing departments should link their SEO actions to every point of the search process. First, a user performs a search by typing their query into a search engine – usually a keyword or phrase, but occasionally a full question. Immediately, they are then presented with results deemed appropriate by the algorithm; and that are hopefully helpful to answer the query made.

In order to judge the order in which the results are ranked on the SERPs, there are two main factors considered by the search engine’s AI:

  1. Relevance – the search engine must be able to scan through the content on the page and judge it to be appropriate to the user’s search term. Where the keyword or phrase has more than one meaning, it should be the appropriate one for the intended query; which can be a challenge for machine learning.
  2. Authority – the search engine must be able to judge that the webpage (and overall site) that it is directing to must be trustworthy and safe for the user to visit.

How to Demonstrate Relevance and Authority

A business’ web content must demonstrate its relevancy and authority in order to rank on search engine results for user searches made appropriately to the theme or topic.

In order to demonstrate relevance, a website’s content must clearly demonstrate its overarching theme, topics and niche. Search engine’s programming determines this through its content including words, keyword usage, meta tags, videos, imagery and comments.

This allows the machine learning to build up a picture of what the site is about and who it would be relevant for.

This makes it critical for websites’ content to remain relevant to its key theme or topic, to be presented in a way that is appropriate for the audience and to be useful enough that it can be easily shared. Those producing web content for the site must ensure that relevant keywords, phrases and language is used throughout all published content and copy – and in technical areas such as tags and names.

In order for a website to demonstrate authority, it must appear genuine and trustworthy. This is most commonly demonstrated through safety and security authentication as well as links from other sites (and links to other sites) appropriate to the theme.

If other domains online deem the site relevant and honourable enough to link to, a search engine will take that to be a positive reference and endorsement of authenticity, appropriateness and trustworthiness.

The Two Main Types of SEO

There are two primary types of SEO:

  1. On-page SEO ­– SEO activity that it is carried out on a webpage and is created and curated by the business.
  2. Off-page SEO – SEO activity that is carried out on other websites linking back to it.

On-page SEO is usually the first port of call for those looking to improve their exposure on search engines.

This includes, but is by no means limited to:

    • The basic coding of a page should be well tagged with keywords and phrases used
    • Site architecture should be easy-to-navigate with a comprehensive site map in place
    • Content should be published that is relevant, engaging and shareable
    • Links between internal sources should be clearly marked and functioning correctly
    • Images must be appropriate to the site’s theme
    • All content should load quickly and be well accessible.

Once a site’s basic SEO functions have been optimised, a business can turn its focus to off-page SEO. Generally speaking, this includes, but is not limited to:

    • Links put in place to the site from others (preferably from high-authority sites)
    • PR and social media campaigns launched to generate interest and discussion of the brand
    • Facilitation of reviews on third-party websites mentioning or linking back to the site.

Both on-page and off-page SEO combine to help best demonstrate to search engine algorithms the appropriateness of ranking a site well when certain queries are made by users.

While on-page SEO should be managed first, the impact of off-page should not be underestimated and will contribute toward the overall efforts made, particularly when it comes to demonstrating the authenticity and authority of the site to the search engine algorithms.

Check out our SEO packages for smaller businesses

Judging SEO Success

There are several measures by which businesses can judge the success of their SEO efforts – but it must be noted that all SEO activities should be enacted on a ongoing basis and not as a one-off piece of work.

How to monitor the continual progress of SEO work is often misjudged by those who don’t understand how it all works – it can be more complex than expected!

Domain Authority

Every website has a DA (Domain Authority). A DA is a score given to a site numbered between 1-100 that ranks how likely it is to show up highly on SERPs, typically with 1 as the lowest and 100 as the highest.

Exactly what is considered a high score varies between industry but generally speaking, anything above 25 can be thought of as good. Positive and fruitful SEO efforts will elevate a website’s DA score and so this improving over time can indicate progress made.

It is worth noting, however, that DA (and indeed, further search ranking) is impacted heavily by the age of a domain – as search engines are unable to build up a picture of authenticity or reliability on an immature website. This may disadvantage new businesses in the short term but the DA score will soon build and rankings improve.

Search Rankings

Perhaps the most notable example of SEO success is the SERP ranking presented when you type in a relevant query. However, this used as a measure of success in the simplest term does not work as accurately as many would assume – because there’s a lot more at play when it comes to displaying search results than most think!

While search engine rankings are what is being targeted with SEO work, it is not often that any two people typing in a matching query will be met with the same rankings. This is because the search engine takes into account the person’s search history, location and personal settings when presenting results – and so a quick check often won’t highlight the most accurate ranking.

There are specialist tools that can be used to judge the ranking of a website. It is always recommended that businesses use specialists in this space rather than trying to search for their own sites in order to avoid influencing traffic levels inaccurately.

What’s more, specific specialist services will be able to advise on areas for improvement as well as a more direct picture of action vs influence when it comes to DA improvement and SERP exposure.

Combining this with other factors such as paid-for advertisement placements, backlinking strategies and PR campaigns can help hugely improve SERP performance as well as positive public perception and brand image.

While SEO efforts are often best left to specialists in the field as well as technical web experts, there is benefit to everyone in a business understanding how and why it works. This allows for everyone to do their bit and play their part to contribute toward a wider positive public perception of the brand; both online and off.

Why White Label SEO is a Winning Strategy for Marketing Agencies

Woya White Label SEO Services

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Whether you’re a web developer, digital marketer, designer or content manager, you already know how vital SEO is to everything we do online.The challenge for many businesses is that SEO is complex, varied, and requires expert knowledge.

Offering a professional SEO support service isn’t just a great way to expand your audience reach, and add value for your existing clients. It can also boost your services by delivering tangible, quantifiable results that back-up the work you specialise in.

So, what’s the best option if you’re considering adding SEO to your offering, or want to upgrade your client services?

  • Employ a fully trained, skilled and experienced SEO expert, or team of staff.
  • Undertake appropriate qualifications to upskill, with regular updates as standards evolve, algorithms change, and your clients grow.
  • OR – consider Woya White Label SEO Services

Here we’ll run through the benefits of adding SEO to your repertoire, and why a white label SEO service is a cost-effective, bespoke choice that will transform your returns.

Why is SEO Such a Sought After Service?

Simply put, business thrives and dies online.

A study published last year to try and clarify how important digital traffic is to business success found that:

  • An incredible 93% of website traffic arrives through a search engine – so, if your clients are not ranked, or are difficult to find online, they might be restricting their business to just 7% of the potential market share.
  • Marketing agencies who offer clients a combination of organic and paid search engine advertising generate 25% more clicks and a 27% higher return on investment. Therefore, if you design incredible websites, or put together awesome advertising campaigns, you NEED outstanding SEO to realise the achievable returns!
  • There are around 70,000 searches on Google every second of the day. We all know that there are many search engines, but given that Google has the lion’s share of the market, to get in on that action, your clients need a fast-moving SEO strategy to keep pace with the demands of a fluctuating algorithm.

These stats are just a snippet of the data out there – but quantify some of the key reasons businesses and self-employed professionals are crying out for SEO that delivers. 

Benefits and Applications of our White Label SEO Services

As we summarised at the start of this article, you have a few options when it comes to adding SEO to your catalogue.

For many digital service providers, particularly freelancers, small businesses and agencies, the costs of employing a full-time SEO team are unviable. Costs include:

  • High-level salaries for the most skilled SEO professionals.
  • The need to have a varied team to cover all SEO applications depending on your client base’s needs.
  • Regular training refreshes and courses as SEO best practice changes.

SEO isn’t always straightforward, and to achieve the best outcomes requires diligence, time, professional strategising, and continual oversight to evaluate performance and make tweaks as needed.

Therefore, it isn’t just a case of hiring an SEO employee. To deliver real results, you need to invest substantially in allocating time to that crucial service area. White Label SEO offers a streamlined solution, to allow you to offer best in class SEO to all of your clients, without any of the extra outlay, and all of the returns.

  • You commission Woya as your white label SEO provider to carry out defined services, according to the packages you sell to your clients, all delivered under your branding.
  • Access to a team of highly experienced SEO pros at the top of their game – offering their services to your clients through your business channels, at a fraction of the cost of employing a similarly qualified team member.
  • Fast, tailored SEO services adapted to your business sector.
  • Cost-effective packages, enabling you to expand, change, or reduce your SEO service offerings, with zero impact on your bottom line.

You can offer SEO as an add-on to your existing work; for example, as a web developer, you might provide a premium package to include a website audit, and have the opportunity to position yourself as a serious competitor with a full-service offering.

Some digital marketing businesses require a comprehensive SEO option, all of which can be delivered on a white label basis, with you retaining direct communication and relationships with your clients.

Prices are all agreed in advance, and flexible depending on your workload. Therefore, you can pick and choose what SEO you want to offer, price up your services accordingly, and have complete control over your profit margins.

White Label SEO Packages for Businesses 

We know that all businesses are busy! Your bottom line matters, your time is limited, and you need fuss-free solutions to meet your business growth aspirations.

To make the process as straightforward as possible, Woya offers a selection of white label SEO packages to choose from. It’s up to you whether at any point in time you’d like us to take over a piece of work if deadlines are working against you, or if you’d prefer to retain any particular task.

Some of our most popular white label SEO packages include:

  • Initial On-Site SEO, from £390 per month for three months. Ideal for new clients, to cement your relationship and build on their opportunities for success! SEO includes crafting a solid optimisation plan, implementing the vital actions, and providing white label reporting, under your business branding.
  • Standard Markets SEO, from £1095 per month. You’ll need this package for clients competing in regular market conditions who need an ongoing, dedicated SEO service to carve out their market share, provide continuous improvements and growth, and evolve as quickly as the business climate changes.
  • Competitive Markets SEO, from £795 per month. If you work with clients in an area of rapid growth, heavy competition, and huge potential profits, your SEO needs to pack a punch to make a difference. Woya works on behalf of clients in some of the most lucrative industries, providing ongoing, dedicated support across all SEO areas.

Woya offers the full spectrum of SEO, so whether you’d like to add an SEO link-building service to your marketing packages, need a professional to take over client communications to get their SEO on point, or would like ad hoc services to avoid signposting a valued client to another business, we’ve got your back.

The Woya Difference – Reseller SEO That Makes Sense

We’re not your typical SEO agency.

  • We don’t create limiting, off-the-shelf packages that have a minimal capacity.
  • We don’t offer SEO that ticks all the boxes but doesn’t add up.

What we do is maximise business growth, throwing the weight of our years of market-leading SEO expertise to deliver the ultimate returns for your clients, at an affordable price to your business.

Our team is continually expanding. We have a large team of pros who work around the clock to dramatically improve businesses online visibility, and create a digital presence that stands out from the crowd.

Woya works with clients of all sizes, offering white label SEO to enhance your business scope. From freelance web designers to established marketers, new businesses who want to create a compelling service offering, to experienced digital marketing teams who would like to improve their SEO services, without putting a massive strain on their budget.

Check out our white label SEO service reseller packages online for more detail about what’s included – or give us a call for a chat to see how we can support your business!