Core Web Vitals Google Update – Coming May 2021

Core Web Vitals Google Update – Coming May 2021

The working world all but ground to a halt in 2020, but some businesses were better equipped than others to keep running and delivering their products and services. One such business was Google, and in some ways, they have truly benefitted from more people being at home and browsing online – because more searches equals more data, more data impressions and more to work with.

Google are continuing with their usual regular Google update schedule through 2021, it’s to be expected. The most recent update which has been publicly announced is to take place in May 2021, and there’s one major change – relating to Core Web Vitals.

What Are The Latest Google Changes?

The May Google update was technically announced in May 2020; it’s just that now they’re giving a date to it going live.

This change refers to the way Google ranks searches and is updating its criteria for high rankings to include page experience signals; that is, the way a website’s pages work as well as the content they include. Three of these signals are ‘Core Web Vitals’ and the other three are UX (User Experience) metrics.

This essentially means that websites are no longer just given a high ranking based on their content’s quality, quantity and relevancy, but also on its user experience. Whilst not completely confirmed yet, it’s also planned that Google will offer some kind of visual representation next to results who perform well on Core Web Vitals metrics – likely a small icon or different colour result.

The Google Core Web Vitals update means that if not already included in digital marketing strategics, marketers and developers need to move to include the optimisation of webpages into their plans, in order to stay well-ranked for those searching for them, their industry, their niche and their products or services.

What Are Core Web Vitals?

Google’s Core Web Vitals are three metrics that measure the performance of a webpage. These metrics are:

  • Speed of loading – The LCP (Largest Contentful Paint). This measures the time it takes for the main content on any given page to load. The ideal LCP for a Google ranking needs to be quicker than 2.5 seconds.
  • Interactivity opportunities – The FID (First Input Delay). This measures the time it takes for a page to become interactive. The ideal FID for a Google ranking needs to be less than 100 milliseconds.
  • Visual layout shifting – The CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift). This measures the amount of unexpected shifts of page layout, if any. The ideal CLS for a Google ranking needs to be less than 0.1.

What Are Ranking Signals?

Ranking Signals are all of the signs that a website gives to Google in order to justify and assert its place in SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages). There are many of these, and each tells Google’s algorithm what a website is about, how current it is, how relevant it is to various search terms, and how trusted it is, amongst other things. In the case of Google’s May 2021 update, the Core Web Vitals will be joining four existing Ranking Signals related to UX. These are:

  • Mobile responsive – how quick and well formatted the website is to smaller device access
  • Safety measures – that the website doesn’t include any deceptive or malicious code or threats
  • HTTPS security – the site is secured and delivered over HTTPS protocol
  • No intrusive interstitials – that the page is optimised for easy accessibility

Why Is This Google Update Important To Businesses?

Google is the biggest search engine in the world and appears in many forms other than just on – so if a business’ web presence is likely to fall down the rankings as a result of Google updates, it needs to be rectified, quickly. At present, only around 15% of websites would fit the new guidelines well, but that’s not to say that the standards are unrealistic.

Businesses can view this Google update as an opportunity to improve; not just up search rankings but also in their wider UX online.

What Can My Business Do In Preparation For This Google Update?

Google had released tools for businesses to prepare for this update back in May 2020, but they’re still available to access for any who haven’t implemented them already.

If work into preparation for the Core Web Vitals update is not already underway by your digital marketing team, it needs to be begun as a priority. If you don’t have a specialist supporting you with your business website, our web designers at Woya Digital would be more than happy to help!

Google’s Site Console report for Core Web Vitals allows businesses to gain a basic overview of website performance against the key three metrics, to highlight any areas for improvement and offer explanations for any issues. From here, the PageSpeed Insights and Lighthouse tools can help to fix any identified issues. What’s more, has a whole directory of tools relevant to identifying and improving website performance related to Google Core Web Vitals.

AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) is another, albeit now external to Google, tools for businesses to improve on UX metrics with their websites. Businesses who are existing AMP Publishers can use the new AMP Page Experience Guide for diagnostic advice relating to Google Core Web Vitals. Google continues to support AMP content in its search results and says itself that the AMP software helps users “achieve great page experiences”.

Why Do Google Keep Making Changes?

Google has always been focused on being the best search engine in the world. That aim is continuing even through their market dominance.

Every time a new search is made on Google (and that’s about 3.5 billion times a day), their developers gain new data on how best to optimise results and improve their search experience – and including Core Web Vitals in their ranking signals is another way to do just that.

Woya Digital is a digital marketing agency made up of experts in our various fields. With a Woya Pay Monthly Website Package, we provide you a rapid solution to refresh your online presence and really impress! We make business growth through digital marketing, affordable for any business!





The Value of Good Marketing Content 

The Value of Good Marketing Content 

The marketing sphere is changing and evolving all the time in line with new technologies, and now more than ever, with consumer expectations and appetites.

Amongst the buzzwords and terms we all hear banded about online, two words in particular are front and centre right now: content marketing. Also known as marketing content. Or just content!

Yet ‘content’ now seems to be such a popular word that it’s being used in industries outside of traditional marketing and even by those you may not consider to be ‘businesses’. But what does it really mean and why is it so important for marketing? Let Woya Digital reveal all…

What Do We Mean By The Word ‘Content’, In A Marketing Context?

The word ‘content’ in the relevant context means literally “substantive information or creative material”. It is this that those discussing the word in a digital marketing lexicon refer to, and in particular, material online that can be used as part of a marketing strategy to draw attention to the relevant brand and its products, services or experiences.

This includes, but is by no means limited to, written articles and blogs, videos, infographics, e-books, online events, webinars, podcasts, case studies, how-to guides and e-mail newsletters.

Content isn’t just used by traditional businesses for digital marketing practices, but also makes up the base strategy for social media influencers. Essentially, everything they produce is content, to promote both themselves as a brand and to promote the products or services of brands who have employed them. The word is probably the most prevalent in this sector and so the public who follow social media accounts of this type are more aware of it than most.

What Is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is a specific digital marketing practice that focuses on the creation, publishing and distribution of content in order to attract, retain and sustain a targeted audience.

Online, this works primarily to attract audiences and generate leads through customer base expansion. The content shared through content marketing is usually accessed for free, although when the brand has built its reputation sufficiently, paid-for options offering further value are often added as additional income generation streams.

In order for content to be used as ‘marketing content’, each piece of it needs to be created in line with the brand appropriate guidelines so that it is instantly recognisable, consistent, fits the right look and feel for the business and is targeted to be considered of value for the audience. Content marketing should always begin by identifying a customer want or need, and providing content to fit it.

Why Is Content Important for Marketers?

Content marketing is of increasing benefit to businesses online for several reasons.

As far as marketing specialities go, content marketing is very time-consuming; but the benefits far outweigh the investment.

Marketing Content is an evergreen asset.

Once created, content never goes away and can be reused and repurposed time and time again to remain current and up-to-date. It’s a digital marketing asset and can form part of a larger suite of marketing materials to be used as and when required.

Content can prompt customers through the sales journey.

Like all marketing materials, content should always come with a call to action. If created sufficiently to fit a customer knowledge gap, want or need, content can position a brand as experts in their field and give added perceived value to any purchase made with them.

Marketing content acts, therefore, as a prompt to move along the sales process in a subtle manner – unlike more direct sales tactics that are often disliked by consumers.

Content boosts SEO efforts.

Everything produce digitally for a brand should be created with search in mind.

When marketing content is published and shared online, it works to build digital presence, establishes authenticity as an industry thought leader, builds reader/user trust and helps to attract, educate and nurture leads – all of which give a boost to a business’ SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). In turn, brands with good quality content being shared can expect to attract more organic traffic to their digital presence; be that a website, social media profile or other content channel.

Content can be shared widely.

Searchable content is key for message amplification, and consumers love it – after all, what could be more authentic than something someone believes in or enjoys enough to share onward with others?

When third parties and other consumers share a brand’s content, it widens the audience and directs more people to the business as well as increasing the reputation as an industry or topic expert. One of Google’s key measures as to how credible a source is, is to crawl those linking to it and sharing its content, so this too gives another angle of SEO benefit.

Marketing content is much more likely to be shared onward than traditional advertisements, as it contains a perceived value to the consumer and so in turn, the shares expand the marketing effort onward.

How Does My Business Get Started In Producing Marketing Content?

To get started in content marketing, first identify customer needs, wants or information gaps. Do your potential customers misunderstand a related business topic? Do potential customers know the risks of not using a certain product or service? If a brand is able to explain in easy-to-understand terms aspects and topics of their industry to consumers, content can be created around it and this can be published and shared.

Content does of course, need to fit the overall marketing strategy and business goals, amplify the existing marketing messaging – and should also be presented in a manner that suits the target audience.

If you’re looking to make a start on creating and publishing marketing content, or would like support with content strategy and creation, the Woya Digital team are here to help. Sitting at the forefront of content creation, we’re able to utilise our experience across various industries and disciplines to produce content that attracts, converts, and better yet – delights!

Woya White Label SEO Services

Woya White Label SEO Services

Whether you’re a web developer, digital marketer, designer or content manager, you already know how vital SEO is to everything we do online.The challenge for many businesses is that SEO is complex, varied, and requires expert knowledge.

Offering a professional SEO support service isn’t just a great way to expand your audience reach, and add value for your existing clients. It can also boost your services by delivering tangible, quantifiable results that back-up the work you specialise in.

So, what’s the best option if you’re considering adding SEO to your offering, or want to upgrade your client services?

  • Employ a fully trained, skilled and experienced SEO expert, or team of staff.
  • Undertake appropriate qualifications to upskill, with regular updates as standards evolve, algorithms change, and your clients grow.
  • OR – consider Woya White Label SEO Services

Here we’ll run through the benefits of adding SEO to your repertoire, and why a white label SEO service is a cost-effective, bespoke choice that will transform your returns.

Why is SEO Such a Sought After Service?

Simply put, business thrives and dies online.

A study published last year to try and clarify how important digital traffic is to business success found that:

  • An incredible 93% of website traffic arrives through a search engine – so, if your clients are not ranked, or are difficult to find online, they might be restricting their business to just 7% of the potential market share.
  • Marketing agencies who offer clients a combination of organic and paid search engine advertising generate 25% more clicks and a 27% higher return on investment. Therefore, if you design incredible websites, or put together awesome advertising campaigns, you NEED outstanding SEO to realise the achievable returns!
  • There are around 70,000 searches on Google every second of the day. We all know that there are many search engines, but given that Google has the lion’s share of the market, to get in on that action, your clients need a fast-moving SEO strategy to keep pace with the demands of a fluctuating algorithm.

These stats are just a snippet of the data out there – but quantify some of the key reasons businesses and self-employed professionals are crying out for SEO that delivers. 

Benefits and Applications of our White Label SEO Services

As we summarised at the start of this article, you have a few options when it comes to adding SEO to your catalogue.

For many digital service providers, particularly freelancers, small businesses and agencies, the costs of employing a full-time SEO team are unviable. Costs include:

  • High-level salaries for the most skilled SEO professionals.
  • The need to have a varied team to cover all SEO applications depending on your client base’s needs.
  • Regular training refreshes and courses as SEO best practice changes.

SEO isn’t always straightforward, and to achieve the best outcomes requires diligence, time, professional strategising, and continual oversight to evaluate performance and make tweaks as needed.

Therefore, it isn’t just a case of hiring an SEO employee. To deliver real results, you need to invest substantially in allocating time to that crucial service area. White Label SEO offers a streamlined solution, to allow you to offer best in class SEO to all of your clients, without any of the extra outlay, and all of the returns.

  • You commission Woya as your white label SEO provider to carry out defined services, according to the packages you sell to your clients, all delivered under your branding.
  • Access to a team of highly experienced SEO pros at the top of their game – offering their services to your clients through your business channels, at a fraction of the cost of employing a similarly qualified team member.
  • Fast, tailored SEO services adapted to your business sector.
  • Cost-effective packages, enabling you to expand, change, or reduce your SEO service offerings, with zero impact on your bottom line.

You can offer SEO as an add-on to your existing work; for example, as a web developer, you might provide a premium package to include a website audit, and have the opportunity to position yourself as a serious competitor with a full-service offering.

Some digital marketing businesses require a comprehensive SEO option, all of which can be delivered on a white label basis, with you retaining direct communication and relationships with your clients.

Prices are all agreed in advance, and flexible depending on your workload. Therefore, you can pick and choose what SEO you want to offer, price up your services accordingly, and have complete control over your profit margins.

White Label SEO Packages for Businesses 

We know that all businesses are busy! Your bottom line matters, your time is limited, and you need fuss-free solutions to meet your business growth aspirations.

To make the process as straightforward as possible, Woya offers a selection of white label SEO packages to choose from. It’s up to you whether at any point in time you’d like us to take over a piece of work if deadlines are working against you, or if you’d prefer to retain any particular task.

Some of our most popular white label SEO packages include:

  • Initial On-Site SEO, from £390 per month for three months. Ideal for new clients, to cement your relationship and build on their opportunities for success! SEO includes crafting a solid optimisation plan, implementing the vital actions, and providing white label reporting, under your business branding.
  • Standard Markets SEO, from £1095 per month. You’ll need this package for clients competing in regular market conditions who need an ongoing, dedicated SEO service to carve out their market share, provide continuous improvements and growth, and evolve as quickly as the business climate changes.
  • Competitive Markets SEO, from £795 per month. If you work with clients in an area of rapid growth, heavy competition, and huge potential profits, your SEO needs to pack a punch to make a difference. Woya works on behalf of clients in some of the most lucrative industries, providing ongoing, dedicated support across all SEO areas.

Woya offers the full spectrum of SEO, so whether you’d like to add an SEO link-building service to your marketing packages, need a professional to take over client communications to get their SEO on point, or would like ad hoc services to avoid signposting a valued client to another business, we’ve got your back.

The Woya Difference – Reseller SEO That Makes Sense

We’re not your typical SEO agency.

  • We don’t create limiting, off-the-shelf packages that have a minimal capacity.
  • We don’t offer SEO that ticks all the boxes but doesn’t add up.

What we do is maximise business growth, throwing the weight of our years of market-leading SEO expertise to deliver the ultimate returns for your clients, at an affordable price to your business.

Our team is continually expanding. We have a large team of pros who work around the clock to dramatically improve businesses online visibility, and create a digital presence that stands out from the crowd.

Woya works with clients of all sizes, offering white label SEO to enhance your business scope. From freelance web designers to established marketers, new businesses who want to create a compelling service offering, to experienced digital marketing teams who would like to improve their SEO services, without putting a massive strain on their budget.

Check out our white label SEO service reseller packages online for more detail about what’s included – or give us a call for a chat to see how we can support your business!

Content Creation Tips for Every Step of Your Funnel

Content Creation Tips for Every Step of Your Funnel

When it comes to the art of digital marketing, we often work clients who haven’t heard of the terms we use and don’t necessarily know how to leverage each step of the customer experience to drive sales.

We have created this article not only to explain why every step of your “funnel” needs to pack a content punch, but what it all means – and why it’s enormously valuable for you to understand as a business owner.

You hear a lot about content creation, particularly in this visually focused age where innovative graphics are the norm, however content isn’t just for marketing and sales. It’s also about building relationships and trust with your customers, establishing yourself as an expert in your field, as well as encouraging engagement and growing brand advocates.

Why a Content Strategy is a Secret Business Weapon

To kick things off, we’d like to introduce the concept of a content strategy. It sounds pretty serious, but doesn’t have to be mind-blowingly complicated, and you can start with a short-term calendar of content and build on it as you go – or dive right in with a strategy that covers the next 12 months!

Strategising is the key to all great marketing.

Think about:

  • What do you want customers to think of when they think of you?
  • What values does your brand stand for?
  • Who is your key customer, and what sort of content resonates with them?
  • Where do they look for information? What mediums will help you meet your customer on his or her own terms?

In essence, a content strategy means that you have worked out your key business priorities, and put energy into fleshing out those objectives to identify how you’re going to go about content creation that will help you reach your audience, step-by-step. But, circling back, you can’t create a content strategy until you have established your funnel!

The word “sales funnel” always sound a little cold. Still, the reality is that every brand, every business, every company that engages in any sales and marketing does have a funnel; even if they don’t realise it!

The funnel is the journey your customer goes through, from first hearing your name, to becoming a loyal follower.  This theoretical funnel is made up of specific steps that your customer will move through, but the key is to focus on each step individually and for the purpose of content creation, create content to nurture and move your customer on to the next step in the process.

How are Funnels Essential to Driving Business Growth?

As an example, we’re going to work through a sales funnel, to illustrate what that customer experience might look like.

  1. To start with, we’re not going to try and force a customer into buying a product (nor would that work!). Instead, we’re going to introduce ourselves, establish a presence, and get our name out there to build awareness.
  1. Next up, we want that customer to consider us as their next port of call when they need something. Alternatively, we tell them what problems we solve, and establish ourselves as the experts who can help.
  1. Yep, that’s right; all businesses are real people, with real personalities, and real thoughts. Engagement isn’t just telling people who you are, but listening to them! Ask your audience what they like, what they don’t, what they think, how they feel – get a  conversation started that values any contribution they would like to make.
  1. So, you’ve connected with a customer, and they’ve bought a product. Great news! The next step is just as important as everything that’s come before – retention. You don’t work this hard to sell one product, or one service, to one person. You want them to rely on you to deliver the good stuff and keep coming back for more.
  1. Once you’ve reached this stage, it’s essential to retain that customer and to connect with them at the right level to cement your relationship. This stage is about your customer becoming your advocate, and being happy to share their positive experiences with other potential new customers; who start right at the beginning of your funnel.

So, this is a very brief rundown of the critical steps in the funnel, and why you need to build up through the stages to secure sales.

Why Skipping Content Creation at any Funnel Stage is Disastrous

You probably see where we’re going here; EVERY step of the funnel is fundamental.

Content creation doesn’t solely mean videos, website content, newsletters, follow-ups, messages, social media images, blogs, emails, marketing ads. It is all of these things, working cohesively to engage with your ideal customer base, and showcase what you have to offer.

Once you have established your funnel, what you’re doing is breaking down the steps that every customer will take before they decide to spend their hard-earned cash with your business, and then afterwards too. Your content creation strategy should be built around your funnel, and the funnel provides you with a good framework from which to work and help you to make sure that you deliver valuable, interesting, engaging content at every touchpoint.

How to Create Great Content at Every Stage of Your Funnel

It’s easy to use phrases like ‘content strategy’ and ‘sales funnel’ – but for a lot of businesses, particularly SMEs who perhaps don’t have a marketing guru on their team, it’s not always quite so obvious or straightforward.

This information is to help you create a standout content strategy and guide you in your content creation, so let’s work through each step of the funnel, and think about what content we might create that would help us work towards those overarching objectives.

  1. The top of the funnel – ATTRACT – Build Awareness

Building awareness means you want to increase the visibility of your brand. This is not a step for pushing sales, but rather for introducing your business, sharing advice or solutions, and generating leads.

  1. Publish blogs to educate, guide and provide solutions to problems
  2. Share social media posts with tips or info
  3. Share ‘how to’ videos
  4. Share checklists
  5. Create downloadable guides with lead generation forms
  6. Share a signup for your newsletter with lead generation forms

Step Two – CONVERT

In this step you want your customer to consider using your brand. It establishes you as the business that can solve a problem (even if it’s a problem they didn’t realise existed!).

  1. Make good use of CTAs (Calls to Action) – make it easy for your customer to ask you a question, learn more, download a guide, and send you a message. One-click is ideal!
  2. Focus on your website, populating it with relevant, informative content.
  3. Think about SEO, and optimise every element of your digital presence to make it easier to find, and higher ranked
  4. Invite customers in the door to get to know you, with blog posts that explain what you can offer
  5. Keep creating engaging social media posts

Step Three – ENGAGE

Now we’re in the conversion stage of the funnel – you’ve worked consistently to reach this point, so let’s keep going!

Here we need to solidify everything your customer knows about you, and leave no doubt that you’re the business they need.

  1. Concentrate on your website UX (user experience) – how many buttons do they need to press to add something to their cart?
  2. How quickly can they find the information they need?
  3. Do you have a published FAQs page with all the critical answers about delivery lead times, packaging, payment terms and anything else relevant to your business?
  4. Do you make it easy for a customer to sign up, register, or buy? Use CTA buttons, instant links, and make sure the content and pop-ups at every stage of that process are perfectly aligned with the brand image you have created.
  5. Do you have a mobile optimised version of your website? Can customers buy something from you with one-click through social media?
  6. Can customers purchase directly through social media – are you set up for social commerce?

Step Four – SELL

Here we’re building on that established relationship and creating brand loyalty

  1. Make sure your customer is happy with their purchase. Send an email, pop them a message, or give them a call (depending on your business and what makes sense!).
  2. Request feedback or a review – everyone likes to be asked for an opinion!
  3. Use email marketing to stay in touch, and allow your customer to connect with you again.
  4. Keep on delivering useful content; think about blog posts, new product or service launches, sharing interesting social media content, and keeping that interest alive.
  5. Always pay attention to reviews and feedback you receive. Be honest, keep it public, and never be tempted to brush off a bad review because how you react will define whether you reach the next stage of the funnel.

Step Five – CONNECT – Customers That Advocate for You

Once you’ve turned a potential lead into a customer, you then want them to become an advocate, and cement their brand loyalty.

You want your customers to love what you do, and to be proud to buy from your business. Delighting customers is an excellent way to expand your reach and connect with more like-minded people.

  1. Think about customer loyalty; do you add value to their experience, by sharing content, links or opportunities that you think they’ll be interested in?
  2. Can you build a community that will make this customer feel that they’re a valued part of something?
  3. Use emails and social media to keep them informed, continue to engage, and perhaps create special offers or exclusive services that only your established loyal customers receive.
  4. Reward customers who share your products by using giveaways or competitions, ask them to share their experiences and be sure to give them something back in return.

What’s interesting is that, at every step of the funnel, the goal isn’t brand marketing. It isn’t pushing products, selling at knockdown prices, or piling a budget into digital ads (although all of these things have their place on the broader marketing framework!)  This is about content creation and engagement that sings for your brand, makes customers want to buy from you, and establishes your position in the market as a reliable, personable, expert brand.

10 Top Social Media Trends for 2021

10 Top Social Media Trends for 2021

As the exponential growth of social media and its presence in our everyday lives continues on a sky-high trajectory, the question we’ve heard asked many times over the past few months is – how long can it continue?

2020 has been extraordinary in many ways. As our cultures shift to adapt to remote working processes and social distancing, the role of social media has become even more integral to how we interact.

Let’s look at what 2021 holds in store for social media as a communicative and marketing tool; and whether businesses should think about adopting a new strategy as a fresh year brings about different opportunities…?

How Social Media Became Our Digital BFF

So, we all use social media. Or, at least, 3.6 billion of us do, predicted to increase to 4.41 billion in 2025 (that’s 56.5% of the entire world!). There are lots of reasons we download apps like Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat – and why those same apps have become more important to us:

  • We can chat, share images, and talk face-to-face via digital apps even when social distancing and COVID-19 movement restrictions mean we can’t meet in person.
  • Social media breaks down borders and barriers, creating an international community where you can talk live with people, watch broadcasts, and share information.
  • Keeping in touch with our nearest and dearest has become highlighted in the international consciousness, as a direct impact of the global pandemic.
  • Shopping is easier, faster, and more convenient – and also essential via online apps where retail sectors have been forced to close.

These are a tiny fraction of the reasons social media has continued to evolve this year, and it shows no signs of slowing down.

As younger generations start using smartphones, app providers derive new social networking platforms to cater to their needs and cultures (TikTok is a great example!). Mainstream sectors such as news, politics and healthcare are all becoming savvy to the vast reach of social media to deliver information and drive engagement.

There is no doubt that all the action is happening online. So, for businesses, the importance now is understanding which social media trends to invest in, and which platforms are the best place to target your ideal customer demographic in a medium they respond to and enjoy.

Our Top Ten Social Media Predictions for 2021

The Woya team has gathered together all the most prominent social media trends predicted for next year – from the likes of HubSpot, and Social Media Today, and coupled these with our own expectations.

We work with clients across the country, and the world, creating digital marketing strategies that deliver; and it’s never been more crucial to stay at the front of the market given the speed at which new trends develop, peak, and then decline. There are opportunities to use that immense audience for instant mass publicity – but in others, it can be a bad waste of a good budget, so it’s essential we know where to focus our energy!

Here are our top ten predictions for 2021 social media trends:

  1. Quality Content Will Remain King.

Valuable content is always number one. On any social media platform, with any digital presence and for any brand or company.

Content that educates, or answers a question, and is genuinely useful will always be better received than even the slickest ad. Sharing knowledge doesn’t ‘give away’ free resources, but positions you as a market leader who has the expertise and authority to answer common questions.

Add a FAQs section to your website, write blogs that are a valuable source of information, share data and statistics, and link info to your social media pages – but always make it useful!

Customers share posts they find funny, useful or interesting. So by taking the time to create a great content strategy, and think about the added value you bring to the customer experience, you can multiply your exposure many times over.

  1. Brand Voice Matters – and Tone of Voice will become more Vital.

Gone are the days of cynical marketing strategies aimed at tapping into vulnerabilities, or using fear tactics to make customers feel that they’ve got to buy something urgently!

People are savvy, they’re used to social media ads, and they know the difference between a paid advert, a targeted post, or something they’ve come across organically. Therefore, your brand tone is crucial. Every brand has a voice, and while we know it can be a challenge to drill down into what you stand for, and what emotions you’d like your customers to feel when they think of you, working on this is essential.

Brands should be real, authentic, and relatable to their key demographic.

Whether you’re authoritative and serious, funny and quirky, cool as a cucumber; you need to know your brand personality inside out, and apply it to the tone of everything you post.

  1. Video and Multimedia will be Key to Engagement.

Do you remember the early Facebook days when most posts were plain text? It started with Emojis and then evolved into posting (enormous!) photo albums.

With digital photography came more social media image sharing, and then as smartphones provided better and better cameras, and then video software, the nature of the content we share on social media has too evolved. These days, video content has far higher engagement statistics than the vast majority of static images; and quality videos are more widely shared, saved and re-watched than any single photo.

Look at the growth of apps such as TikTok and Instagram as a simple example; what were once single images are now highlight reels, 24-hour stories and live feeds.

It’s a trend that is still growing, so if you can replace static content with live videos, funny captures or engaging content that backs up your brand voice, it’s a great way to connect.

  1. Digital E-Commerce will continue to Grow Through Socials.

The way of the high street looks as dire as ever, and while lots of people lament the closure of shops and department stores that have been the backbone of the British high-street for generations – sadly, bricks and mortar are a declining trend.

Much of this is to do with convenience. People can purchase something instantly on their phone, and get it delivered to their door in a day or two. There’s no need to draw out cash, no safety concerns, and with mobile payment apps with inbuilt security, it’s just an easy way to buy the stuff you want.

Digital e-commerce is also now moving on from just websites and turning to social shopping.

Influencers tag the brands or products they’re wearing, you can link to a checkout box in one click, and showcasing your products on social media platforms with seamless user experience is now the fastest-growing way to boost online sales figures.

  1. Social Media will Focus More on Collectives and Communities.

Building a community around a brand is an excellent way to engage. For people who have been living with intense movement restrictions, and survived a global pandemic, community means a lot more than it perhaps did a year ago.

Communities don’t just have to be about focus groups and feedback; it means using your position as a brand on social media to connect like-minded people, as another value-added service that brings a fresh perspective to what it means to do business with you.

Create private groups, chat groups, open forums, anything where people can come together to share their experience, discuss thoughts, and be a part of something more than the sum of its parts.

  1. Platforms will Improve Inclusivity by Highlighting Causes and Movements.

As well as many other changes, 2020 has brought about a considerable change in social consciousness, how we share causes and campaigns, and how social media plays a pivotal role in those movements.

Think about all the events of this year, protests, demonstrations, social media campaigns, and you can see how platforms don’t just allow people to talk about causes, or share information. They can also be a key element in coming together as a collective to show your support or lobby for change.

Social media has become a powerful resource for people with a message, and as we have seen, is a forum where a movement can reach millions of people in seconds – with profound impacts.

  1. Content Creation will be Around Positivity, Togetherness and Support.

What do you hope to see when you log in to a social media account or open an app on your phone?

You want to smile; you want to feel happy or excited or enthusiastic! The days of practised cynicism, too cool for school brands and digital bullying are way, way gone – customers want to engage with brands that promote the values they care about.

Positivity looks set to be a big buzzword for 2021 social media – as we all reflect on the year just gone, and look for ways to build on the sense of community and collective strength that has defined much of the response to the challenges of 2020.

Supporting each other, showing solidarity, and creating a sense of togetherness and unanimity will continue to be vital in 2021, and brands that can deliver that climate of positive thinking will go a long way.

  1. User-Generated Content will increase in Volume and Value.

Let’s be honest – even the most reputable of brands is still a business. People trust other people, and if you embrace the potential of user-generated content, you’re establishing your position as an open, transparent, and even vulnerable brand.

There are lots of ways to do this:

  • Ask customers to share videos or photos of your products.
  • Reward loyal customers who tag you, or hashtag you in their posts.
  • Welcome reviews and customer feedback, and make it public.
  • Provide free brand decks, or create an Instagram GIF, so customers have easy access to add your branding to their posts.
  • Recruit ambassadors, send out free trial products or run competitions where customers share your posts or feature your content in their social media accounts.

User-generated content is a great way to expand your reach, and achieve better brand exposure without having to lift a finger – so the easier you make it, the better!

  1. Marketing will Lean Towards Nostalgia and Feel-Good Vibes.

Well, this feels like a no-brainer; if we had to think of one phrase that has been uttered more often this year than ‘unprecedented’, we’d be hard-pressed!

What that means in action is that 2020 has been seriously tough for a lot of people, and in a lot of ways. When things get tough, we respond to positive marketing that makes us think of better times.

And thus, 2021 is set not just to be the year of upbeat social media, but also of nostalgia. When you link into a feel-good emotion, you communicate with your customer in a way that makes them feel safe – the gold standard of excellent customer engagement.

This phenomenon isn’t unique to 2021 but is a tactic that works whenever there has been a difficult time. It means that you do your bit to lighten the load and reflect on happy memories that evoke warmth and comfort.

What’s important here is to consider your key customer. Nostalgic content that reaches back to, say, the ’80s will resonate perfectly with customer bases in their 30s and above, who would have been kids at the time. Videocassettes, tape recorders and Fisher-Price phones will always generate a smile!

However, if you’re targeting teens and audiences in their 20s, you’re going to need to look a little closer to home for that hit of happy nostalgia.

  1. Online Experiences will Become More Personal, Driven by Conversational Marketing.

If you’re unfamiliar with the phrase ‘conversational marketing’ – you will almost certainly have experienced it! Marketing in the digital age isn’t just about putting together an advert or selecting some fancy graphics. Engagement is the key, and conversational marketing is all about creating a personality for your brand, listening to what your customers think, and building a relationship with them that they relate to, and enjoy.

This year, with the world thrown into panic and chaos, conversational marketing has stood out as vital to brand awareness. Brands who are human, authentic, and own up when they get stuff wrong are simply more relatable, and trustworthy than corporate machines which operate without any mindful acknowledgement of their customers.

How do you do it?

  • Listen to feedback, and take the time to respond.
  • Care what your customers think, and welcome their suggestions.
  • Focus on your customer support and how it links in with your brand voice and marketing strategies.
  • Use outreach to ask questions, seek feedback, and engage your customers in the way you develop your brand.
  • Highlight your values, who you are, what you stand for, and what value you add to the customer experience, the wider world, and the communities around you.

We hope these insights give you a bit of direction whilst crafting your social media strategy for the New Year – and also get you excited to experience what 2021 has in store for us!

For further support with your new year digital marketing strategy, content creation, or with establishing a brand voice to make you stand out from the crowd, get in touch with Woya Digital today.

How to Respond to a Negative Google Review

How to Respond to a Negative Google Review

For modern businesses, a negative Google review can feel like its make or break – but how you respond and manage bad reviews, determines the potential impact.

It is vital to have a review strategy in place, so let’s look at what marketing tactics you can use to manage any negativity that comes your way, and how to handle reviews without the stress factor.

The Power of the Google Review

Customer feedback is massively valuable and can help us improve our businesses, products, services, and client experience across the board.

Managing reviews, being proactive about requesting feedback, and taking the time to address any adverse ratings is crucial! Taking the initiative is all about reputation management, so ignoring bad feedback can only stand to make things worse, or reinforce the validity of the review for prospective new clients. If you assume your customers are happy – and they aren’t – it is impossible to know what changes you might make that would instantly improve your Google ratings.

Likewise, if you want to road-test something new, your customers are your first stop in evaluating what works well, and what needs a tweak! However, negative Google reviews can be a huge challenge: 88% of customers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.

Creating a Culture of Growth

OK, so we know the value of reviews and allowing your customers an independent forum to air their experiences. However, negative reviews are not to be feared!

  • Positive reviews provide that feel-good factor, and attract new customers – but don’t give any scope for improvement.
  • Negative reviews are an opportunity to showcase how much you value your clients, with a public medium to deal with the issue.
  • Learning and growth are integral to the success of any organisation, and having the humility to accept when things haven’t gone well adds that personal, human touch.
  • Some businesses can also see a conversely positive effect, when having dealt with bad reviews professionally, thoroughly, and with the dedication to putting things right.

One of the most disastrous things you can do, if you’ve got a negative Google review, is to ignore it. The second most disastrous thing you can do? Be defensive! And the icing on the cake? Assigning an untrained member of staff to ‘make the problem go away’.

Here at Woya Digital, we have dealt with countless crisis response issues and damage control initiatives, and they almost always have a common thread. Companies might see social media or their digital presence as solely a marketing ‘technique’ – and devaluing the critical importance of these public spaces can be damaging.

If you appreciate the importance of your online presence, and how this touchpoint marks the first impression almost every client will have of your business, that sets the tone for handling negativity with a constructive attitude.

Here are a few things to think about, before firing off an angry reply:

  • Is the review accurate?
  • Can you correct the situation?
  • What has this taught you?
  • How can you make sure the same thing doesn’t happen again?

Great responses always work to provide a solution, where possible, and work with the customer to give the business a chance to understand what’s gone wrong. And EVERY review should be responded to, whether positive or negative.

A customer who takes the time to write down how they feel is your secret weapon in organic marketing, so always take the time to reply thoughtfully, promptly, and with thanks for the effort taken to provide constructive feedback about your service.

The Negative Google Review Tool Kit

OK, so you’ve had a terrible review, it’s splashed all over Google, and your five-star rating has just dropped down a notch.

It’s not a great feeling, but it’s how you deal with it that matters now.

  1. Take your time to read the review, understand the problem, and investigate the facts. Replying without knowing what’s happened internally can make things much worse, so make sure you have all the information you need before entering into a discussion.
  2. Always respond – even if to acknowledge the feedback, and advise that you are investigating. Yes, sometimes customers see this as a ‘cop-out’ – but only if you never do get back to them!
  3. Discuss the situation with your staff, and ask for honest appraisals about the situation. There are two sides to every story so, while the customer is king, don’t be quick to place blame or fault without everybody having the opportunity to have their input.
  4. Respond publicly. It’s always tempting to send off an email or have a private call. These are great to follow up with, and demonstrate how seriously you are taking the situation! However, a lousy public Google review with zero response is not a good look.
  5. Acknowledge what went wrong. We’re all human, mistakes do happen, and there’s nothing negative about owning up to your shortcomings.
  6. For whatever reason, someone who spends money with you feels unhappy. Always be apologetic for the inconvenience or the upset – because drilling down into the cause can be a powerful way to prevent any recurrences.
  7. Ask questions! If you need to know more, or you would like to understand why your customer is upset, ask them for the information you need.
  8. Provide a solution. In some cases, a disgruntled customer might not want a replacement product, a refund, or some other compensation, but you should always offer.
  9. If your customer is satisfied with your response and the way their concern was handled, you can request they update their review; with no pressure!

If you’ve responded, offered your appreciation for the feedback, given a solution, provided context where appropriate, and apologised – you’ve done everything possible.

Keep your cool, be calm and respectful, and NEVER resort to bad language! Customers will see this just as clearly as the poor review itself, and so your response shows how your marketing team deals with problems – which can be a big fat positive.

Ever seen a review where a customer claims they haven’t had delivery, or that nobody has responded to a customer services enquiry? If the reply below is polite, adds a little context, or offers an apology and a fast resolution, you would be far more likely to trust the business to have your back if something does go wrong, and deal with them in future.

Dealing with Fake on Malicious Google Reviews

Now, there is another potential scenario and one that can feel a lot more complex to unpick. What do you do when you’ve had a negative Google review, and you believe it to be inaccurate or malicious?

Fake reviews are infuriating, however again, keep your cool. Fake reviews do happen, and it is a by-product of the digital era that sometimes, people will post malicious content for no reason other than to cause disruption.

  • Problem: You’ve received a negative Google review, and believe it to be untrue.

Solution: Respond explaining your perspective, and ask for clarity if the customer believes your information to be inaccurate. Always be respectful, even if you suspect the reviewer is just after a freebie!

  • Problem: A bad Google review is fake.

Solution: If you’re certain a negative review is fake, you should still respond. The best solution is to present the facts explaining why you believe the review isn’t legitimate.

  • Problem: Your business is the target of malicious fake reviews.

Solution: We’ve all heard of competitors using this marketing tactic to discredit rivals – and if you are sure a review is fake, you can submit a request to Google to remove it.

Negative Google reviews can feel like a marketing disaster – but by following a clear strategy, and knowing the best techniques to manage your response process means they don’t have to be. Remember that reviews mean you get to understand what you’re getting right, and what you’re getting wrong.

By placing equal importance at both ends of the spectrum, you can improve your business visibility on Google, and present your business in the best possible light, in any scenario!

For more support with growing your digital presence, leveraging online marketing tools for business growth, or help with optimising your online activity through the intricate art of SEO, get in touch with the Woya Digital team.